Power Flush and Radiators
A power flush is an efficient way of removing the sludge and dirt that build up inside your central heating system over time. Most central heating systems develop this sludge over time. You don’t want to replace your boiler without entertaining a power flush first, as the sludge and general dirt are disturbed in the new installation and it will find its way into your new boiler and reduce its effectiveness and life span.
The following are some of the problems that can be avoided with a power flush:
- Cold Radiators
- Boiler Deposits
- Heating Pump circulation problems
- Pipe Blockages
- Internal Corrosion
- System blockages
- Noisy systems
As a result the benefits of a professionally delivered power flush could be :-
- Increased pump life as your central heating pump handles clear water instead of sludge
- Curing radiator cold spots so that the full surface of the radiator heats your room
- Improved central heating system efficiency so reducing fuel costs in future years.
- Clearing the boiler heat exchanger to stop banging noises (kettling) and prolonging the boiler life
- Reduces Hydrogen gas build up which can lead to radiator corrosion and reduced heat output
- Clearing your system of contaminated water which could lead to internal heating system corrosion.